Jiali Han

Jiali Han

MS student (2019-2022)

Jiali Han, MS student, 2019-2022

Advisor: Shuhan Shen
Thesis: 3D Structural Modeling for Indoor and Outdoor Urban Scenes
Graduation destination: Tecent

Award:Winner of CVPR 2021 International Scan-to-BIM Challenge, National Scholarship for Master Student, 2024 Outstanding Master’s Thesis of the China Graphics Society


  1. FloorUSG: Indoor Floorplan Reconstruction by Unifying 2D Semantics and 3D Geometry. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 196: 490–501, 2023.


  2. Vectorized Indoor Surface Reconstruction from 3D Point Cloud with Multistep 2D Optimization. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 177: 57-74, 2021.

    Code DOI

  3. Urban Scene LOD Vectorized Modeling from Photogrammetry Meshes. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30: 7458-7471, 2021.


  4. Scalable point cloud meshing for image-based large-scale 3D modeling. Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 2(10): 1-10, 2019.


  5. Distributed Surface Reconstruction from Point Cloud for City-Scale Scenes. International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV 2019.
