Xiaofeng Sun

Xiaofeng Sun

PhD student (2014-2017)

Xiaofeng Sun, PhD student, 2014-2017

Advisor: Zhanyi Hu, Shuhan Shen
Thesis: A Study on Urban Scene 3D Reconstruction and Classification in Oblique Photogrammetry
Graduation destination: JD X-lab


  1. Geographic, geometrical and semantic reconstruction of urban scene from high resolution oblique aerial images. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 6(1): 118-130, 2019.


  2. Semantic labeling of high-resolution aerial images using an ensemble of fully convolutional networks. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 4:1, 2017.


  3. High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data Classification over Urban Areas Using Random Forest Ensemble and Fully Connected Conditional Random Field. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(8), 245, 2017.


  4. Automatic building extraction from oblique aerial images. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2016.
