Vectorized Indoor Surface Reconstruction from 3D Point Cloud with Multistep 2D Optimization


Vectorized reconstruction from indoor point cloud has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to its high regularity and low memory consumption. Compared with aerial mapping of outdoor urban environments, indoor point cloud generated by LiDAR scanning or image-based 3D reconstruction usually contain more clutter and missing areas, which greatly increase the difficulty of vectorized reconstruction. In this paper, we propose an effective multistep pipeline to reconstruct vectorized models from indoor point cloud without the Manhattan or Atlanta world assumptions. The core idea behind our method is the combination of a sequence of 2D segment or cell assembly problems that are defined as global optimizations while reducing the reconstruction complexity and enhancing the robustness to different scenes. The proposed method includes a semantic segmentation stage and a reconstruction stage. First, we segment the permanent structures of indoor scenes, including ceilings, floors, walls and cylinders, from the input data, and then, we reconstruct these structures in sequence. The floorplan is first generated by detecting wall planes and selecting optimal subsets of projected wall segments with Integer Linear Programming (ILP), followed by constructing a 2D arrangement and recovering the ceiling and floor structures by Markov Random Filed (MRF) labeling on the arrangement. Finally, the wall structures are modeled by lifting each edge of the arrangement to a proper height by means of another global optimization. Merging the respective results yields the final model. The experimental results show that the proposed method could obtain accurate and compact vectorized models on both precise LiDAR data and defect-laden MVS data compared with other state-of-the-art approaches.

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 177: 57-74, 2021
Jiali Han
Jiali Han
MS student (2019-2022)
Mengqi Rong
Mengqi Rong
Assistant Professor
Shuhan Shen
Shuhan Shen